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Old 12-30-2020, 04:31 PM   #7
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Posts: 25
I appreciate all the responses. As a relatively new poster on the 986 forum it helps to filter noise. I have done many searches on this forum as well as google which includes an endless number of useful hits on the bearing issues. But very little specific to MB Motorsports IMS bearing.

My question was and remains specific to the MB Motorsport bearing and I appreciate all information from those with experience of the specific bearing.

I have watched the PCA videos with Raby. I have spent many hours reading threads and have heard many arguments mentioned across the various options. There is little mention of the MB Motorsport bearing in any of these and to this point steved0x has never heard of MB Motorsport IMS bearing suggesting that they are not commonly referenced.

I appreciate all the replies. I was not looking to incite the "Do your own search" flames with my specific question.

JayG I have been unable to find the volumes of discussion about the MB Motorsport IMS bearing. I have found a little which doesn't lead me to a strong sense other than at least there is not much bad said about them. Maybe that is because few are using them? I have heard Raby's mention of his shops decision not to use the roller bearings. Raby supports his decision with the argument that Porsche engineers decided against the roller bearing first. Jake Raby's opinion has weight as far as I'm concerned. That is the primary reason I asked the question.

Particlewave I appreciate your input. I was a hardcore cyclist for a couple of decades and have experience with hybrid ceramic bicycle bearing. I was witness to many premature hybrid bearing failures in bikes. I would never consider them for an IMS bearing that can have such an impactful outcome. I appreciate your comments. Thanks You!

I'm willing to bet many rolled their eyes and had thought I didn't consider the search function useful. Thank you for not responding! I appreciate the initiation as I learn the lay of the land.
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