Originally Posted by super66
I've grown up on vettes and loved them until recently, having the money, I say the no brainer is the GT, come on, I have never seen one on the road period....vettes are dime a dozen and consdernig the market for cars right now, they are pretty over priced IMHO......
I know blah blah finest this bang for the buck....I look at expectation and what I percieve as value, and I don't associate vette with 60 to 70K......sorry....I think the verts even base at around 56-57.....no way....sorry....come back to earth, its a chevy 
I think I'm taking the bait on this one...
What expectations/perceptions do you associate with $60k-$70k? For that amount of money I expect power, handling, looks, etc and I see the Vette as fulfilling this. On top of this it has a long history with a good reputation and has been a top competitor in a lot of different auto sports.
I don't think the Dodge Viper is a bad alternative either. It's gone through its growing pains since its intro in the early 90's but since it has been refined and upgraded into another serious American contender.
Just to clarify, I prefer my Boxster over the Vette without question. There are other cars out there for the same amount of money worth considering, but I think discounting the Vette is a matter of taste and not a function of its performance.