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Old 12-06-2020, 11:45 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by piper6909 View Post
Did you say you turned the key to the 1st position and THEN connected the battery? Is this a certain procedure I don't know about?

It seems to me that would be a little dangerous because if you have the key on, if there's any arcing when you connect the battery cable it can seriously harm your electronics. Not saying that's what happened, but I'm curious why you'd do it that way.

I once disconnected my Immobilizer and when I connected it, the car was completely dead. No crank.

I disconnected the ground (with key off) and tapped it against the battery terminal 3 times, then reconnected it. Turned the key on and everything worked! Was it coincidence? I don't know but I remember a guy once told me you can reset the onboard computers that way. I took it with a grain of salt, but when you're desperate you'll try anything and it worked for me.
The key in 1st position when the battery terminal is connected is something that I have read of few times on these forums (this one / boxa) to do in order not to get the alarm go off... I have disconnected the battery few times during last 1.5 years and re-connected it like this (key in 1st position) - this has never caused any issues - then again, this was forst time I took the ACU out.
As I get the frunk open, maybe I need to try the trick you mention of tapping the terminal 3 times and then re-connecting the terminal
Boxster 2.7 2001 Manual
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