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Old 12-06-2020, 09:03 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by MrBen View Post
That second picture shows the internal switch. The white plastic gear is the one that fails. Mine was literally cracked in half it will still work because it’s packed in there so tight. On mine like I say it was a gradual failure. First the light would not go out. Then it started making noise and jerking a little. Eventually I quit using it for fear of the top getting stuck halfway when I was not home. I took it apart last winter and fixed it. It has worked better than ever since. The write up in the 101 project book has some good photos. I also found a video online. If do decide to take it apart be sure and mark everything with a felt pen so you can get it all back together the same way.

Well, I have all the symptoms of what you're stating. How did you manage to fix the cracked gear? I'm not sure if I would do a rebuild but I am curious to see the video if you don't mind posting it...I appreciate the help!
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