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Old 12-06-2020, 08:44 AM   #7
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I was prepared to the idea that I have to get a new key fob from Porsche dealer after I re-install the ACU. Today was the day, and...

Today was rather interesting day - had a chance to disturb buch of my neighbors with a Boxster alarm going off constantly...

Car is 2001 Boxster with manual trasmission.

Battery was disconnected (the ground was not connected). Front trunk lid was open and I did put the ACU back in the car under the seat. Connected the plugs in this order -> blue, black and antenna. All seemed fine for now.

Placed the key in the ingnition and turned it to 1st position.

Connected the battery ground. Interior lights came on immediately BUT the frunk light did NOT come on... it was working fine before I disconnected the battery ground and removed the ACU. The bulb is fine - just tested it.

Tested the frunk lid actuator befoere closing the frunk lid and it worked fine (installed a brand new frunk lid actuator during this summer). Then closed the frunk lid and re-opened fine it with the frunk lid actuator button.

Then closed the drivers door and activated the central lock / alarm. Otherwise all went as normal, but alarm light did not start to flash on top of the dash as usual - alarm indicator light stayed completely non lit, but radio alarm light did stat flashing.

Next I disarmed the alarm / opened the door lock by turnign the key on the door and then opened the door -> this triggered the alarm immediately. The frunk nor trunk did not open anymore and I could not get the car quiet. I waited the alarm to go silent after the 'normal' alarm time. It worked, but it was silent only few seconds untill it started going off again. Turning the key in the ignition did not do anything to help on turnign the alarm off. All lights in the dash lit up as usual when I turned the key, but car did not start nor the engine turn at all as the key was turned to the 'start' position.

Only way for me to get the car quiet was to disconnect the black connector from the ACU.

I'll try to find time next week to open the frunk with the emergency cable in the fenderwell to disconeect the battery.

Do you have any idea what went wrong here... why the alarm started to go off and messed up the ACU re-installation???

I'm lost with this case and prefer not to disturb my neigbors more if anyhow possible. All and any help would be most appreciated.
Boxster 2.7 2001 Manual
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