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Old 10-26-2006, 07:04 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Brucelee
Its notable that the GR 40 is being sunsetted and the Z06 is tough to find at a good price.

The market speaks volumes.
I'm assuming you mean the Ford GT not "GR 40", so...

Not really. When the GT was introduced the plan was in place to only run it for a short time. It was never to be a long term production run.

Meanwhile, although the Z06 is a very capable car, the GM loyalist are even worse than the Porsche loyals... they'll buy anything the general produces with the Corvette name on it. Most buy it because it's the "top of the line" Corvette, and they bleed Corvette. "Gimme the best one you got... it'll be impressive in the parking lot at the next NASCAR race."

Having said that, my choice would be the GT, hands down. It's the most "real" sports car, and I simply won't pay that much for a chebbie anything.
2000 Boxster S - gone -
2006 Audi A6 Quattro 3.2
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