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Old 11-04-2020, 07:11 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Laredo View Post
Hello everyone,

I have a base 2002 Porsche Boxster which I purchased about 6 months ago. the vehicle has 62,000 miles. recently the check engine light went on and the scanner showed the codes P1128 (Bank 1), P1130 (Bank 2) and P0134 (Bank 1, sensor 1) this codes were obtained in Auotozone, shortly after that, the ABS light came on and the PCB lights, but this failure is intermittent.

The reality is that if it weren't for the light you wouldn't notice any fault, except for the absence of the ABS.

I took the car with Porsche’s dealer and they recommend changing the 4 oxygen sensors, during my visit I noticed that their records indicate they changed the oil separator about 6 months ago.

I decided to read a bit in this forum and I have doubts about the diagnosis. I opened the oil cap and the suction is minimal. I have the doubt if the problem is the oil separator even if the suction is not increased? I am concerned the O2 sensor aren’t the problem, Is it an open circuit suction problem or is it the MAF sensor?

I would appreciate any suggestion from the members of this forum since you have more experience, cordial greeting to the group.
The P0134 code is telling you that the DME/ECU is not getting any signal from the sensor.
So the sensor is dead or you have an issue with the wiring from the DME to the sensor.
Most likely a wiring issue.
I would look at the wiring connection at the sensor and the sensor wiring harness.

The other two codes are telling you that you have reached the rich mixture threshold.
So the DME/ECU is adding all the fuel it can. You most likely have Vacuum leak.

Last edited by blue62; 11-04-2020 at 07:13 PM.
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