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Old 10-30-2020, 01:43 PM   #8
Who's askin'?
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Join Date: Mar 2018
Location: Utah
Posts: 2,446
MY PM Box was full, sorry about that. I've cleaned some space out of it and I've replied to everyone whose message I received. If I haven't replied, please message me again.

I've updated the message below, to show additional items as SOLD. And to clarify a couple of things.

first, I'ma try to be patient for people needing a couple hours to send payment. IF you tell me you want something, I'll try to hold it for a minute. But I have offers coming on for a lot of things from a lot of people. Please be considerate. Ultimately; it ain;t yours 'til you've paid me, haha.

second: if you choose PayPal to pay me, please use friends & Family. I don't want to pay the fees. I'm not a business, I'm your forum friend. IF you want to pay using Goods-n-Services, please add the appropriate percentages to your payment.
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