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Old 10-21-2020, 05:07 PM   #110
Shapeshifting Lizard-Man
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Originally Posted by Quadcammer View Post
Thanks for that.

What are you using as your source for parts? things like water pumps or alternators and such? I couldn't find a decently priced source.

These motors are soo cheap, but I'd have to build a firewall back up around the motor, which might be an asspain.
Most of the parts we've gotten have come from ebay, usually used. New parts aren't really too hard to find, there’s a handful of sites that specialize in high end European cars; it's the cost that can be obnoxious. These are still Maserati/Ferrari parts, after all.

The engine itself is cheap, but you have to remember that everything around it is going to be custom, meaning it's going to cost more, be more work, and take a lot longer than a swap with an engine that's more common. Engine mounts, wiring harness, plumbing, transmission adapter, clutch, all that good stuff; all of that is going to have to be custom made.

If your goal is simply an engine swapped Boxster that performs better than stock, I'd advise something else. K20, LS, or Audi V8 all have much more documentation, much more online resources for engine information, and MUCH more aftermarket support. (The F136 has pretty much zero of any of those.)

What I have is basically the most complicated solution to a simple problem.

However, if you just want a badass and almost unique Boxster that makes an insanely beautiful sound, it’s hard to beat the F136.
2001 Porsche Boxster with a Maserati V8.

Instagram: @squonkwerkzgarage
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