Thread: This & That
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Old 10-20-2020, 03:01 PM   #84
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Originally Posted by itsnotanova View Post
What happened to the race car?
I'm getting back to work on it. This year there was too much else going on and I couldn't put time into it. Right now my biggest distraction is the 914s, but they are out of the garage now except for a couple engines and I'm be moving the 'race car' back in.

I'll post more of the plan later, but I need to pull the V8 from the 2000 S (where it was never fully swapped) and mate it with the Tiptronic. I have a 'ready to weld' Rollcage from that car in Houston. I'm going to keep the rolling chassis of the Houston car as a backup in case the Tiptronic doesn't work out.

I'm NOT buying any more project cars for a while. Boxsters, 914s, The Dung Beetle, and the '81 Scirocco (currently in long term storage mode), should be enough to keep me busy for the next five years.

I think I want a tube bender, considering an "Affordable Bender": ...just to play with. Anyone have one?
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