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Old 10-04-2020, 09:54 AM   #16
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Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Orange County, CA
Posts: 1,930
Hello McSpooney,

If you are sending the head to Hoffman Engineering, you may want to consider sending both sides for a head repair and porting..

Regarding the removal/installation, if you use a brace between the strut towers, you will be able to hang the engine from above (the bottom will be clear to move yourself around) and after removing the transmission mounts, you would be able to lower the engine several inches to clear the frame rails, just be careful not to stress the engine harness (better to disconnect it).

For a brace, I used a home made (4x4) with a long treaded 'J' hook through the 4x4 that allowed me to lower or raise the engine smoothly with a nut and a couple of washers.. I can search for a picture if you want, good luck!
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