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Old 10-01-2020, 07:20 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by blue62 View Post
Yes that is why I stressed getting to know the system as part of doing a proper diagnosis. The fix can be lots of work and expense or something relatively simple and cheap. that's where a proper diagnosis comes in.
You can test the wiring to the solenoid with a simple Digital Volt Meter but you need to know what wire is what and the voltage specs.
As you try to fix the issue work from simplest thing first to the more complex step by step. So I would start with the wiring and work my way up.
Lots of discussion on this issue here on the forum. So using the search function should help you out if you haven't done that already.
Keep us posted on your progress
We learn a lot about these cars from others experiences.
Alright, Just got a nice scan tool in, sure enough I have only one engine fault. the p1341 code. and sure enough it idles like crap. Going through the live data both banks have cam deviations in the 6 range. missfire counter looks great and mass air flow and voltages look good as well, Do any of you have a link for perhaps a forum post on what the testing procedure for the solenoid and actuator is?
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