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Old 09-26-2020, 11:36 AM   #5993
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Posts: 335
Originally Posted by Zzorro View Post
Drove it home from the airport. Was parked there for a week while I was in the Yukon for work. Aaaaaaaaand, the window dropped 1/2 way down and would not roll up.

It has never worked since I bought it, except the 1/2" drop when I lift the door handle (both inside and outside). It does not drop when I use the roof and they dont roll down when I use the console switches. Before you ask, yes, my CLU is messed up and I need to get that fixed. It's on the list!

But having it drop makes me think there are signs of life? Perhaps the switch operation is not tried to the CLU as I originally thought. Maybe I need to look into something else........more fun ahead.
I had some issue on my right side door window and lock. The problem was that with previous owner there had had some access of water in to the doorway and water had also somehow entered in to the 9-pin wireing harness connector that connects to the door latch. I opened the connector, cleaned all contact pins with electronic cleaner, let it dry real well and put it back together - did not need to open the latch mechanism. All window problems has been gone now roughly 3 months - regardless of some major rain storm weather driving (Boxster is my daily driver during summer).
Boxster 2.7 2001 Manual
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