Originally Posted by Qingdao
Why don't you guys just put the oil catch can on a cinder block?
I mean I know lots of you guys on here are engineers, but sometimes you don't need a special tool to raise your oil catch can up 6 inchs. 
Well, two problems with that. One, with the way the oil (9 qts!) comes gushing out when the plug is first pulled, having the catch pan close isn't necessarily enough. You have to be able to surround the flow, to contain it. That's where the milk jug has worked great for me. (At roughly a full gallon, it holds almost 1/2 the entire contents of the oil pan.)
Secondly, by elevating the catch pan enough to do any good you eliminate your working space. There's not enough of a gap to easily reach and remove the drain plug. That's my theory anyway...and I'm sticking with it