Thread: Project Lazarus
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Old 09-21-2020, 07:34 PM   #77
husker boxster
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Thanks guys. I appreciate everyone that's followed along.

Originally Posted by piper6909 View Post
That's a pretty quick and very impressive turnaround!
I guess I hadn't thought about the length of time in terms of a restoration. I'm used to getting my Wheeler Dealer cars ready for sale in a matter of wks, not months. This has seemed long to me in that regard, but has been a great project nonetheless.

Originally Posted by rexcramer View Post
Three 928's in one place at the same time. What a site. Excellent job sir. I wish I had your energy and commitmentability (Sod off autocorrect, I am making that one word)
Now that I'm "retired", I get to do what I enjoy. The victories have kept me motivated. It's safe and easy to do the same things over and over (buy a car, do the maint, polish, then sell). This project has stretched my boundaries immensely. It's reminded me of my younger days when my dad and I rebuilt wrecked cars. We'd run into obstacles but my dad would think things thru and come up with a solution. Been a lot of that with the shark and I learned patience and persistence from my dad.

Originally Posted by PaulE View Post
Nice story, I still can't believe you are going to sell the Mistress after all you two have been through together!
It's simple mathematics. I have a 2 car garage and 3 cars. One of my cars currently resides at my mom's house while I work on the Mistress. She has a basement garage along with her regular 2 car garage so my car isn't in her way, but having 3 cars and the next Wheeler Dealer car just wouldn't compute. It's the age old car guy problem of too many cars and not enough room. You just can't keep all of them.

My dad liked to say there's always another car around the corner. And I have the bad habit of rounding the bend to see what's there.
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