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Old 09-21-2020, 04:27 PM   #5968
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I've payed a big bill and i'm pissed.

This was done by an indy Porsche workshop:
- Clutch, DMF, pressure plate, release bearing, spring clutch pedal
- IMS bearing and crankshaft seal
- Water pump, thermostate and coolant fluid change
- Front engine mount
- Engine oil change and filter
- Brake pads front and rear (Brembo) and damping plates
- Brake fluid change
- Bearings stabilizer front and rear

Work and materials were around 4K € / 4,7K USD.

Now the whole car is vibrating starting from light engine load. I can feel it in the centre console, clutch pedal and gas pedal. Vibrations are caused by the engine. If i press the cutch the vibrations go away immediately.

If i shut down the engine it makes a clonk sound. It didn't do that before the repair.

The exhaust heat shields or something that sounds exactly the same rattles.

And by the way the old IMS bearing (single row) was in perfect condition at 100k Km (62k miles). Both seals were 100% OK, bearing has absolutely no play.

IMS bearing was replaced by an open roller bearing. Not shure if that was a good decision.
My Porsche keyfob, instrument cluster and alarm ecu repair service:
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