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Old 09-15-2020, 09:50 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Starter986 View Post
Hi Pipe,


I just want a manual on/off switch for the high speed fans. I'm no electrician... but can walk around it a bit.

I know one 3 position rocker switch's three prongs will be grounded.

One prong of the rocker switch will be connected by wire to the #85 prongs on the two high speed fan relays.

It's the wire connected to the third rocker switch prong that I'm stuck on... wondering where does that wire go. To what does it connect so that when I hit the switch... the fans come on. Does it go to another prong on the high-speed relays? Quad was unclear about that third wire.

Thanks, Pal.
Quad's set-up is a little more complicated than JgKram's. This is my understanding of how the existing setup works:

Pin 86 on the relays have constant 12volts. Pin 85 goes to the ECU which grounds it at the appropriate temp, which completes the coil circuit and trips the relay.

Both methos use a Single Pole, Double Throw (3-prong) switch.

Using Quadcammer's method, you'd cut the pin 85 wire (I believe Quad said it was yellow) and, splicing in a jumper wire, run the RELAY side of the wire to the MIDDLE prong of the 3-way switch. Run the ECU side of the wire to the BOTTOM prong, and run the TOP prong to ground. This way, with the switch in the UP position, it completes the circuit with the ECU, and the ECU decides when the fan comes on. In the middle position NOTHING is connected and the fans NEVER come on. (I wouldn't advise that), and in the bottom position the circuit is completed through the ground wire you ran and the fan runs all the time. You can splice the yellow wires from each relay, (left and right side) together and run both to one switch. This would do either high or low speeds. I guess the consensus is to just do the high speed, and don't bother with the low.

Using Jgkram's method, you'd get some fuse taps and connect them to the to the 85 pin of each relay. This keeps existing circuit to the ECU intact. Using jumper wires, splice together the two high speeds and the two low speeds. Run the low speed to the top pin of the switch, the high speed to the bottom pin, and ground to the middle pin. In the up position, the high speed is grounded through the switch, in the bottom position the low speed is grounded and in the middle position the ECU will have control.

You can also use a single pole, single throw (2-prong) switch and run only the high-speed circuits only. Run the jumper wires to one prong and ground the other prong. this way, in the OFF position the ECU would have control and in the ON position you will override the ECU and turn on the fans.

Either setup works fine. It's up to you which one you'd rather use.
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Last edited by piper6909; 09-15-2020 at 10:12 AM.
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