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Old 09-13-2020, 08:18 PM   #5957
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Originally Posted by Qingdao View Post
I've tried re boring calipers, master, and slave cylinders... never really had much luck. they always seem to weep when I'm done. I havent even attempted to rebuild any in years, just get a new one.

Looks like you don't need any re-boring or replacement of pistons, just some boots. Thats easy, just buy some boots and put them on with a hook and pick. You could find Porsche parts but I'm sure this is not the only car to use these brakes (hint).
Originally Posted by Zzorro View Post
I rebuilt my calipers. New seals and boots from Porsche (they were cheap). It wasnt difficult and have not had issues since. But I have not done track stuff with it. Just spirited driving. At that time I had 170k kms on the Odometer.

I needed to replace brake fluid anyways (had a close call with old fluid!). So that precipitated into a caliper rebuild just to be sure I covered all the bases. Try that 1st before you replace calipers etc. Good luck!
Thank you both for a good advice.
I'll try to avoid the re-boring these as well (some 30 years ago have done it and it was not so good result as I hoped for...).
Current plan is to paint the calipers, flush the brake fluid, swap the new seals and boots during this upcoming winter the latest.
Boxster 2.7 2001 Manual
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