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Old 09-01-2020, 02:07 AM   #5932
1998 Boxster Silver/Red
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: 92262
Posts: 3,064
I've been waiting for the two radiator fans to arrive and, in the meantime, have been detailing my fender/wheel wells. I do not own a pressure washer.

A few years ago I read about a "detailer's trick" for wheel wells: Spray the plastic liner with tire foam. I did. Looked great! For a few days. Well... with the wheels off it looked like **************** in there (the wells). That tire foam builds up and it is a pain in the ass to remove. I've decided no more wheel well product... just a wash and rinse.

Anyhow... I've one well left to clean. The others are at 90% clean. Lots of wiping... paintbrushes for the corners and edges... soap and degreaser. I even threw a little paint on the bottom of the struts.

Wife returns home from work last night:

Her: "Why are the rear wheels off the car?"

Me: "C'mon out and I'll show you"

Me, showing her the remaining dirty well: "What do you see?"

Her: "What am I supposed to see?"

Me: "Take a look. What do you see here (motioning to dirty ****************ty area) and here (more dirty ****************ty area)?"

Her: "Honey, I don't see anything. What am I supposed to be seeing?"

Me, becoming alarmed at her blindness): "Do you see all that nasty ****************? That white crap?"

Her: "OK. That means nothing to me".

Me, showing her the glistening silver and shiny black in the three clean wells: "Look at that (showing her the clean) and now look at that (showing her the ****************show well)".

Her: "That's what you've been working on? No one is going bend down to see that".

While in the wells I did note a few things that are going to require attention. The boot to the inside rear passenger axle is split. Two pieces. I'm venturing to guess (I know) that soon I'll be needing a couple of axles.

1998 Porsche Boxster
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