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Old 08-25-2020, 11:56 AM   #5926
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Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 77
Purchased the OBDator Mini-OBD2 ELM327 dongle ($14) and it came in today. That combined with the free Torque App and I was quickly able to see my coolant temps.

Note: These OBD dongles are ON at all times. In hindsight, I should have found a model with a power switch (saw one with a button, low profile as well, for $20 on Amazon). They don't drain much power but I hate the idea of installing a parasite.

EDIT: Gonna buy this for $8, its an OBD extension with a switch. I might just ziptie it to that tray thing under the steering column.

The standard 986 gauge is pretty accurate on the way up to 180F. Once past 180F its hard to tell whats going on.

Using Torque:
In general with normal country cruising it would hold at 194F. Putting through a neighborhood saw it hit 205F and it quickly came back down to 194F once I was moving at 55.

There is a lot more capability but I am not really sure if I *need* to see anything else. I did put the MPG display up to see that information.

To Do:
- Buy the Torque Pro App for $5, might as well
- Figure our how to display Torque on the Alpine using Android Auto, it can be done!
- Buy the 160F Thermostat, plan to install it down the road

Last edited by Rayrevolver; 08-25-2020 at 12:42 PM.
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