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Old 08-22-2020, 06:32 AM   #20
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A 986 S, I have a new Raceseng 987/997 adapter if you want to play around with it. Just pay me shipping. It didn't quite fit the 986/996 shift console I tried it on. This is due the fact they initially designed it based on a 9x7 unit assuming it was the same as a 9x6 unit, when in reality the 9x6 lever is very slightly thicker. I actually sent them my old 9x6 console so they could make the current version of the adapter that fits both.

Long story short, it fits a 9x7 console perfectly, but you could probably make it work on a 9x6 console if you file down the lever slightly and/or enlarge the opening on the adapter a little.

It's been sitting in my drawer for a few years and I'd rather see somebody do something cool with it!
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