Thread: Increasing HP?
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Old 08-01-2020, 11:35 AM   #44
On the slippery slope
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Austin and Palm Springs
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Where is So Cal are you?
The San Diego PCA is one of the best chapters in the country. Lots of driving and social events. Not to knock POC, but POC is focused on racing where PCA is a mix of HPDE and social.

If we ever get out of COVAD-19, the SDR PCA does one of the best Performance Driving Schools in the country. Its not a racing school, but I guarantee your cheeks will hurt from grinning after the weekend. You will leave the PDS with a much better understanding of car control, handling and capabilities (both yours and the car). Very few other opportunities to spend around 3 hours on a wet skid pad plus 4 other exercises and on the 2nd day around 20-30 autocross laps. The POC PDS is more of an intro to racing
2004 Boxster S 6 speed - DRL relay hack, Polaris AutoTop DIY
2004 996 Targa Tip
Instructor - San Diego region
2014 Porsche Performance Driving School
2020 BMW X3, 2013 Ram 1500, 2016 Cmax, 2004 F-150 "Big Red"
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