Thread: Increasing HP?
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Old 07-29-2020, 05:14 AM   #16
Who's askin'?
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Well husker and myrx, I'm disappointed in both of you! Haha (j/k)

But seriously; my point was NEVER that a boxster is a faster car than a corvette. My point was that once you learn to drive properly, there's more fun to be had than simply mashing your foot into it, the way most drivers do it. (especially those in corvettes, haha)

Same driver (me ;-) ) same track, same day: in the Ferrari F430 (street tires & brakes) i was only 2/10ths faster per lap than in the boxster (race tires and brakes.... plus all the other suspension goodies, haha ). Yes, I was driving the Ferrari "conservatively", (scared, haha) but it was still the fastest- lapping car in NASA's HPDE 3 group that day. (No way i was taking into DE4, haha)

If you're driving it well, you'll find yourself passing LOTS of "faster" cars that are driven less-well. Driving a boxster at the racetrack injects enormous enjoyment into ownership. Learning to drive it well should make you miss a corvette's hp much less.

Just my $0.02

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