Originally Posted by djw8282
Did you speak to him through pm? Do you know exactly what was said outside these post even though he said he rather not? Why I made a comment, I don't know
Nope, you're so right. I have no idea what commitments he may've made through PM's.
I only commented because you suggested with your comment that something shady happened. that catches my attention because I have been hosed by two forum members here. Both times it was them not paying me for goods I agreed to send and then invoice actual shipping costs along with purchase price. I shipped the parts and sent the invoice... and then they went all oh-dark-thirty on me.
So when I see somebody else getting screwed by a forum member, my interest is piqued and I look. But reading the history available, I didn't see anything untoward.
If you want us to know what he did, spill it.
In my opinion, we have a responsibility to each other in this community, to police ourselves.
But from the outside-looking-in, this all looks on the up-n-up.