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Old 07-09-2020, 09:25 PM   #5
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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This is not about needing good headlights for a car, but having Many sets of old halogen lights sitting around and wanting to experiment. I have have a set of Fred's lights that I installed years ago and I'm familiar with the Morimoto Bi-Xenons. For these headlights I had thought of installing projectors and guts from some Audi headlights, but the advances in LED headlights has me wanting to give them a try.

I went ahead and ordered a set of the Jeep LED lights for about $50. They have a simple harness that should be easy to splice in and they have a built-in anti-flicker capacitor.

I don't know how I'm going to mount them yet. I need to see them first to determine what challenges they present. Adapting the reflector bowl to receive them would make adjusting them easy. Worst case, I can strip out the reflector and fabricate three mounting points. If I do that I will probably aim them before I seal the lights back up.

That poor yellow 914? It shall die, that others may live.

...really, I'd guess it died a couple decades ago.
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