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Old 06-29-2020, 04:26 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by maytag View Post
When I first did mine, I simply cut-n-spliced the wires on the o2 sensors to lengthen them. That was all fine-n-dandy until I had a sensor fail, and then the next sensor I put in was either bad out of the box (it was a Bosch, so unlikely) or i damaged it when extending the wires.

So I built the extension cables, the way pilot4fun did. (In fact I think I used his part numbers to order the connectors?!) Now I don't have to worry about suspect solder-joints creating impedance that throws-off the sensor. AND - I can simply replace the O2 sensor with a new one next time, rather than have to extend wires again.

It's worth it, in my opinion, to do the extension cables the first time.
Agreed. At first I couldn't wrap my head around it based on the picture he sent and then it just clicked. One of THOSE days I guess.
I like this idea much better as the sensors don't get butchered and can be swapped out easily.
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