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Old 06-29-2020, 05:31 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by pilot4fn View Post
Here's from my previously made post regarding the connectors and cable extensions.

"Here's the part numbers I used to hunt the connectors:
Bosch 1-928-403-453
Bosch 1-928-403-736

Each cable needs one of each plug.

I purchased these from UK, since I'm in Finland (no customs etc issues) - at least untill the brexit kicks in
Here's the link where I ordered those both connectors:
Same can be purchased from all continents.

On top of the cables I have the white 8mm heat resistant sleeve. This size fits real well over the wires."

...and the actual post for the same:
What did you do with/to your Boxster today?

Hopefully this is helpful

Also, here's the link to post I did after installing the cable extensions and having driven a bit:
What did you do with/to your Boxster today?
Thanks for replying.
Why would you need new connectors though? I've seen a video where the cable was cut and a wire was joined somewhere in the middle to make the desired length.
I do like the clean look of your finished cables though - they look great!
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