re: "safely using 87 octane".
On my 94 Sentra, I found the dollars per mile was best using 89 Octane. The recommendation in the owners manual said (surprise) 89 octane recommended.
If you do decide to experiment with 89 octane, check your mileage carefully-there is no point saving 10 cents per gallon is your mileage goes down 8-10%.
There is also no point running 100 octane in a boxster. The electronics won't optimize for anything over 93. I personally can't feel the difference between 91 octane and 93 octane. I've never tried 89 or 87.
The reason I assume one might consider 87-89 octane is economic. I don't bother. I know I could save a lot more in fuel costs by accelerating slowly than I would ever save by purchasing a lower grade fuel. I could also save a lot more by going back to my 94 Sentra.
This car asks for super premium, so thats what I feed her.
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