Update for anyone else with this issue. My process for resolving this issue consisted of draining about 2 gallons of coolant, Removing intake tube to allow for clearance when removing oil cooler, disconnecting the top tube, unscrewing 4 Allen screws, removing oil cooler with small pry bar (required very little force, allow a few seconds for remaining oil and coolant to drain from cooler, slide oil cooler rearward and into a plastic bag. A few ounces of oil and coolant were caught in the plastic bag and maybe an ounce spilled out into either of the passages; so little that I’m not worried about cross-contamination. Cleaned area including scraping small amount of o-ring residue from mating surfaces, Replaced 4 o-rings using part numbers 99970738940 and 99970740940; 2 of each. Reinstalled oil cooler using blue loctite on the 4 screws and hand tightened as not to strip threads. Refill and burp coolant system with the same coolant drained; no intermix in drained coolant and it had less than 10K miles on it.
Easy job. Hardest part was waiting a week for the o-rings. During last 100 miles I’ve inspected area and coolant reservoir and there is no longer coolant leak or any sign of intermix in reservoir.
2004 Boxster S 79K Miles