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Old 06-15-2020, 09:20 AM   #2
1998 Boxster Silver/Red
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Originally Posted by gregkelley View Post
99 Boxster
Over the years, I've had the occasional issue where I had to jiggle the steering wheel in order to turn the key and start the car. Nothing big.
Monday of last week, I had to turn the key a couple of times to get it to start. I'd get a flash on the dash. I could still hear the click of the clutch switch. I chalked it up to just a gremlin.
Later last week, I had trouble turning the key enough to remove it. A couple of times I'd remove the key and the radio would still be on and the door would ding when I opened it (key removed). I could usually jiggle the key in the socket to get the car to sense it was removed.
Now, the car won't sense that the key is removed at all. Radio stays on, door dings.
So do I need to replace just the electric ignition switch or the steering lock mechanism as well? Sure, I can start with the switch but if that doesn't fix things, then I buy the entire assembly which also comes with a switch.
My advice comes only from memory reading here and there passages from upon these pages. That said... if I were in your shoes I'd...

Blow some pressured air into the keyhole... where you insert the ignition key. There may be something that needs to be dislodged. IIRC... spray some graphie into the hole... insert and remove your key a few times... then try to start the car. Kill it. Remove key... do that a couple/few times... see if that doesn't correct the problem.

If it doesn't... I'd replace the ignition switch. I believe you can pick them up for less than $20. Go OEM. I don't believe it would be entire assembly.

Good luck.
1998 Porsche Boxster

Last edited by Starter986; 06-15-2020 at 09:21 AM. Reason: Typo
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