Thread: This & That
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Old 06-12-2020, 11:07 AM   #56
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Next up for body work is THAT. The paint on the rear was obviously a re-spray that had been done at some time in the past. About a year ago some of the clear coat started to peel from the repair and there were some fine cracks in the paint. Yesterday, I started sanding off the bad clear and Dremmeling out the cracks. The cracks were almost 1/4" through body filler before I got down to metal. That's not good. I had guessed that it was only a little over a millimeter thick.

I had planned to just use filler after digging out the cracks. Now I think I should try something different. I happen to already have a left rear quarter panel cut from a car that I scrapped a few years ago. I have never done a body panel welding-type repair, but I think that it will be the best way to proceed.

...and to think I started 'cleaning' these two cars up to sell because I have too many other projects that I want to get to.
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