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Old 06-06-2020, 04:40 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Brian Minson View Post
I have been having an issue for months now! I will either just start the car up or be pulling out of the drive way and the alarm won't SOUND but the flashers will come on and stay on until I turn the car off. Somethings I can go a mile or so then right back on!

I hooked up my Durametric for the i48 alarm and it shows the standard yellow warnings which is says you don't have to worry about. I have even cleaned the alarm codes and still every time I drive the car the freaking flashers come on.

Anyone have some insight on this?

Pull the drivers seat, take apart the module and check for moisture. Have you been having any issues with the locking doors with the keyfob? It sounds like a water issue...

And just a side note, I have eliminated the vibration or noise possibilities, it's been over a week and my alarm has not gone off. So I'm still looking at a door latch, or trunk/frunk latch sensor.
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