Thread: This & That
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Old 06-06-2020, 02:55 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by 78F350 View Post
Thanks, my picture doesn't show it well, but in person and with the small chips of Arctic Silver Metallic paint still on her bumper, I have no doubt.
Yes, I saw that. Could it be that the silver paint came off the other car from the other accident? (A lot of cars have the same shade of silver. You'd be hard pressed to see a difference between Porsche's Arctic Silver Metallic and Dodge's Bright Silver Metallic, for example. I know, I have both.) And it's also obvious to me that the big dent on her chrome bumper and warpage on the plastic bumper tread was caused by the other accident. There's no way those damages could happen at low parking speeds. So, the silver paint could be from the other car, right?

Maybe she did it, but there's no certainty there, IMHO. To me, the dent on your bumper doesn't match up with the shape of her bumper. Also, the horizontal part (under the license plate) of her bumper is the lowest point on her bumper, yet the marks on your bumperette are higher than the bottom of the crease on your bumper cover. More importantly, the bumperettes stick out farther than the crease on the bumper cover, yet the aforementioned horizontal part of her bumper is either on the same plane or sticks out farther than the rest of her bumper. So, if that hit your bumperette, as you indicated in your drawings, the horizontal bend in her bumper could not have hit your bumper cover to cause that vertical crease damage.

Your damage was more likely caused by something like this: D_BwE&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaig n=Grille%20Guards%20%26%20Bull%20Bars%20-%20Smart%20Shopping&utm_term=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvI jNwJnu6QIVTeG1Ch1tWAj1EAYYCSABEgK_NfD_BwE

I just wouldn't want you to go on resenting this person if she didn't do it.
Either way, huge respect for letting it go. I hope you get all you ask for it when you sell.
2002 Boxster Base - Arctic Silver - Tiptronic
2010 Subaru Forester
1980 Ford C-8000 Custom Cab Emergency-One Fire Truck
"I never lose. I either win or I learn." -Nelson Mandela

Last edited by piper6909; 06-08-2020 at 07:32 PM.
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