Thread: This & That
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Old 06-04-2020, 09:32 PM   #49
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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I have too many projects and too many cars. I plan to sell THIS and THAT. ...but I want to fix up a few things before I sell them so, MORE projects. THIS only has a few issues that I plan to address and one of them was the rear bumper damage. I didn't want to sell it with the stickers covering the bad paint.

I found a spray can of Arctic Silver Metallic 92U paint among my boxes of stuff that came with cars. It came from one of the several vendors... scratch-something or color chip. When tested, it matched color well and sprayed smooth. "Awesome." I thought, "I can just spray the bad corner and blend it in with the rest of the bumper." I did a few hours of prime and fill to get it perfectly smooth and feathered. I sprayed the color, the clearcoat and it looked decent, but was a little dark at one edge when it all dried. No big deal I thought, there was just enough paint left to go back over that edge. I did a light wet-sand then went to wipe it with a cloth that had some industrial grade alcohol. The alcohol turned the paint gummy and the cloth pulled streaks across the paint. Ruined and not much paint left. Time to pull the bumper off and do it right.

THAT needs some paint work too. It had a few rough spots when I bought it and they have gotten worse over time. I decided to get a full gallon of paint, a Nason single stage acrylic, and use it for both cars. About $200 at O'Reilly Auto Parts for the paint and hardener with Military (retired) discount. I already have some basic supplies, a 60 gallon air compressor, and Devilbiss spray gun set. All I need is some skill and more patience.

Re-sanded. Re-primed.

Re-painted. It looks pretty good from about two feet. The paint was still soft and a little tacky last I checked. Hopefully I can just put it on the car and leave it alone, but part of me wants to do a very fine sand and polish on it still - which will probably ruin it again.
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