Thread: Name that Bolt
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Old 05-18-2020, 05:26 AM   #13
1998 Boxster Silver/Red
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Originally Posted by ddruker View Post
I've been chasing an occasional but recurring P0410 plus a rare P1411 for about six months, following the factory diagnosis guide plus the accumulated wisdom on these forums.

It's becoming easy to see what so many folks give up on fixing the problem and instead choose a software fix or a hardware hack.
Those are the two that have popped up on me the last couple months. Maybe2-3 times. Has been off for a week since last I erased the codes... but we'll see how that unfolds as I drive it next.

Couple times ago the two codes popped it added a third... a code for one of the O2 sensors. However, the next time it threw codes that O2 code was absent.

The first time it started throwing those two codes... the 10 and 11 I had started the car abnd let it sit for 10 minutes while I was getting things ready for a day trip... so I thought that maybe it was the idling that may have caused the codes. Everytime since when I've started the car quickly I'll put it in gear and get things "rolling"... thinking that maybe thge idling set off the codes.

If they persist likley I'll be planning to either remove the alternator and go in from there replacing parts... or remove the manifold to access things. Likely some "while I'm in there" stuff as well.

I have the infamous "fix", "workaround", "hack" but will use that as a last resort... like next May.

1998 Porsche Boxster

Last edited by Starter986; 05-18-2020 at 05:28 AM.
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