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Old 05-13-2020, 05:12 PM   #5
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Posts: 299
Just to follow up, no codes were thrown. However after a bit of troubleshooting and reading through several hundred threads with the same issue, I believe I found the issue.

Most of the troubleshooting came with watching the interior lamps after changing the 15 amp fuse on the CLU. When I replaced the fuse the lamps came back on immediately, which a good sign. But before I tested the locking system, I disconnected the alarm horn because in a number of posts others have said that the horn was shorted and would blow the fuse as soon as the FOB or doors were locked. After I disconnected the horn, I took a good look at the wiring of the CLU connectors and may have stumbled upon an issue. The "wire", if that is what it is, the single wire or fiber cable off the CLU may have been loose or not secure, so I used a piece of 3/16 heat shrink to secure the connection. Tested everything and for 3 days now I have not had an issue whether using the FOB or the key to lock.

I have to do some research to see how to test the horn, but I may just make a simple circuit with a fuse on a 12v loop to see if it was the fault. Anyone know what the resistance of the horn parameters are?
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