Originally Posted by piper6909
I dunno... I bet Porsches would do well with Tennessee Moonshine drinkers! That's becoming trendy, isn't it?
Welcome to the forum and congrats on your beautiful car. I wouldn't call it a POS by any means.
I am also interested in knowing more about the Camaro in the background. 1969?
I've got a few friends that drink moonshine. I'm not a big enough boy for it.
That's a 1970 Trans Am it has a long way to go. Still in the thought process, lots of ideas...low on funds.
Originally Posted by Wolf
That POS is cosmetically in better condition than mine, where does that leave me? lol
Good luck, i’m sure after your journey you’ll want to open up shop to the rest of the german car community. [emoji16]
The old saying about pics don't do the car justice also works the other way.
If I do open it up I guess I'll need some moonshine.