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Old 05-06-2020, 09:57 PM   #1
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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The 'Black Pearl'

My wife always names our cars. This one is called "Black Pearl".

Its a Basalt Black Metallic 2000 base model that I just purchased from a forum member in Texas. It's a very nice, well cared for car that recently had the AOS go bad and the top get stuck in the up position. 'CraigM' was moving and didn't have time to fix it or deal with tire-kicking buyers.

I was stuck at work the weekend that it was for sale. RedTele58 (Rick) offered to get a trailer and pick it up for me (a 3+ hour drive each way). I went to his place and picked it up as soon as I had a day off and towed it home.
I gave him a hard top for his trouble. -I knew he wanted it and what better time to deliver it? I don't think I would have been able to get this car without his help.

I'll post more details of the maintenance and my plans for the car soon. :dance:
Video of the car after replacing the AOS:
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Last edited by 78F350; 05-06-2020 at 10:34 PM.
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