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Old 05-05-2020, 08:31 AM   #21
husker boxster
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Been busy with the 928 Mistress, so I've never had time to document my last Wheeler Dealer car...

During the transition period back in June when the lady from IA said she wanted to buy my silver 09 Boxster S and when she came to pick it up, I was contacted by a guy from the Sacramento area who wanted to buy a 987.2 Boxster S w/ PDK. Why is it a WD car can go for months w/o interest and as soon as 1 person wants it, another one does too? Anyway, I told him I'd keep an eye out for one but they were hard to find. The '14 Cayman S suddenly found me and he wasn't interested in it - had to be a Boxster S. It took about 3 mo to sell the CS, but this guy Brian would ping me occasionally to see if I had found anything for him. He seemed serious about wanting a car and me selling it to him. When I have a car for sale, I keep a Rolodex of potential next cars b/c you never know when your current car will sell and you need to replace inventory. But the few 09-12 Boxster S cars for sale were not cars I could buy and make any profit on. When I sold the CS in mid-Oct, I looked hard for a Box S but to no avail. Then the Mistress dropped into my lap. While the Mistress wasn't an expensive purchase (before all the $$$ I've spent since), there still were not any reasonable cars that fit my WD mold and he wanted to get a car so here's what I did:

I put a list together of the few potential cars that I would have been interested in if the price fit my model. There weren't too many. I also suggested he might look at the 981 Box S since there were more of them available. I added a couple of 2013 S's to my list. I asked him if there were any that intrigued him. Turns out he was interested with the 981. One of his requirements was no silver or white (yes, he was interested in my silver 09S but that's because there are so few 09S and most are the silver Launch Vehicle). There was a blue 981S on my list not far from him that he looked at, but the dealer / salesman was a dork and didn't treat him well. The other 981S I included was in LA. It was a dark gray, so technically not silver and he was OK with the color. I contacted the seller (private seller) and it ticked all the boxes. Contacted Bryan and he was interested. So I coached him on how to buy a car from long distance and what to look for when inspecting it. He had a PPI done, made arrangements to buy, flew down to LA, bought it, and drove it back. He was so happy, esp with the color. A few wks later, a thank you card with $100 arrived. That was nice of Brian.

He called me last wk to see how I was doing. He said he loves his Boxster and was so happy I helped him. I asked him to txt me some pics. Here they are:

So technically this qualifies as a Wheeler Dealer car. I have a local friend who wants me to help him sell his 09 Cayman S, so that one will hopefully be ready in a wk or two.
GPRPCA Chief Driving Instructor
2008 Boxster S Limited Edition #005
2008 Cayman S Sport - Signal Green
1989 928 S4 5 spd - black
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