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Old 03-30-2020, 07:01 AM   #371
BRAN's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2013
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WOW! Never thought it could work! Leather swap. It is tricky, but I cracked the secret code.

Don't disassemble the vents, they are not meant to be!

The trick is: It all can be done from the front!
1.) Disconnect the connector carefully first.
2.) Pop the louvers carefully from the slanted side (facing towards the door) with a screwdriver, access them from above, pushing towards the middle. They will "pop" from their mounting holes.
3.) NO WORRIES...they all have a TINY number imprinted (except of the leather cover ones for obvious reasons) to keep the order for reassambly.
4.) Reassembly: pop all louvers (in order) into that connector FIRST.
5.) Carefully fiddle all pins into the mounting holes of the "INNER" side first.
6.) Carefully pop the other side one-by-one back in, on the other side (little force required, but not too much)
Original Owner | PORSCHE Boxster 2.7L (MY01) | Seal Gray

Last edited by BRAN; 06-01-2020 at 02:09 AM.
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