Originally Posted by azlvr
Piper6909 it’s so nice to see another person as informed as myself. I am a news junkie also, I just wish everyone was as informed that way there would be no chance of re-electing the worst president in my 63 year lifetime. I thought there would never be a time that I wish we had W back. I was wrong.
Thanks, Azlvr. There are a lot of well-informed people on this forum, even though we all have different opinions. And in the short time I've been on here, I believe I've developed a sort of a kinship with a majority of the people on here, even those with whom I've had disagreements. I'd meet up with any of them over a cup of coffee or a drink of their choice. Yes, we have heated discussions, but I don't wish ill on any of them, and I believe none of them wish ill upon me. That's how it should be, and that's how we'd like to keep it.
Best wishes and stay safe.
P.S. I'm ashamed to admit that I voted for this a$$-clown. For reasons I'd rather not get into right now. I am one of those Obama-Rump voters in a swing state. Biggest regret of my life. I'll do all I can to keep him from getting re-elected. I'm confident there are many people like me.