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Old 03-26-2020, 06:41 PM   #75
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post
... And, as I said, they have been the victims of massive theft.

Exam rooms have now been stripped bare by staff because people steal anything not bolted down. The masks have been gone for some time and even clinics are having a very hard time finding them.
I saw a lot of that around Oklahoma/Arkansas. Most hospitals had kept PPE easily accessible where workers could easily grab it when needed. There was no need to keep it locked up and nobody took more than what they needed for the moment. When it became clear that most PPE came from China and that the supply would run short (before a wide outbreak in the USA was considered likely) hoarding started and the stuff that had been left unsecured disappeared quickly. I can usually get fresh gloves at a facility, but keep my mask until it is damaged, soiled, or hard to breathe through. We still have plenty in our (locked) supply, that we are are conserving.

My daughter (Nursing home LPN) was wearing scrubs and had her cloth mask when she stopped at a gas station convenience store on the way home. She was confronted and told to leave. They didn't want 'her kind' around spreading the virus.
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