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Old 03-26-2020, 06:00 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by SMK Shoe View Post
Not trying to stir the pot more, but if a health care provider isn't infected with the corona virus, do the mask's actually do much good. If infected, I can see how it help's to slow the spread, but if a person isn't infected, the constant breathing thru a mask would become a Petri dish of sorts. The amount of PPE needed for just one healthcare worker to use and change to prevent any type of cross contamination is just unimaginable. I agree that hoarders are idiots, but why didn't her clinic have a large supply in stock. The school that I teach a weekend class at, keeps about a three month supply and daily they use more than most clinics do with the outbreak.
The masks are to prevent her from getting infected, not the other way around. She is in her 40's and suffers from severe asthma. And, as I said, they have been the victims of massive theft.

Exam rooms have now been stripped bare by staff because people steal anything not bolted down. The masks have been gone for some time and even clinics are having a very hard time finding them.
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