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Old 03-26-2020, 05:28 PM   #71
SMK Shoe
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Originally Posted by particlewave View Post

She STILL hasn’t received any PPE (N95 masks). We can’t even buy her any because of moronic idiots hoarding them.
I sent her to work with my P100 respirator that I use in the shop.

Not trying to stir the pot more, but if a health care provider isn't infected with the corona virus, do the mask's actually do much good. If infected, I can see how it help's to slow the spread, but if a person isn't infected, the constant breathing thru a mask would become a Petri dish of sorts. The amount of PPE needed for just one healthcare worker to use and change to prevent any type of cross contamination is just unimaginable. I agree that hoarders are idiots, but why didn't her clinic have a large supply in stock. The school that I teach a weekend class at, keeps about a three month supply and daily they use more than most clinics do with the outbreak.
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