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Old 03-26-2020, 01:47 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Jgkram View Post
... As of March 25th there have been a total of 22,030 deaths world wide from the COVID-19 virus (1,046 in the US) compared to 291,000 deaths from the flu world wide (2019 data). ..
There were between 38,000,000 and 42,000,000 cases of the flu, and between 23,000 and 59,000 deaths in the US alone.

That's a death rate between 0.06% and 0.14%

Conversely, there are currently 68,440 cases of COVID-19 and 994 deaths in the US. (this is already out of date, but it's good enough for this conversation and it doesn't change the death rate.)

That's a death rate of 1.45% These are not estimates, these are real numbers. That's over 10 times the worst-case death rate estimate of the flu.

Imagine now if we allowed COVID-19 to infect the same amount of people that got the flu. At 1.45%, that would be between 551,000 to 609,000 dead people in the US alone.

This is why some of us take it seriously.

Last edited by piper6909; 03-27-2020 at 04:56 PM.
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