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Old 03-26-2020, 09:27 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by piper6909 View Post
What are you smoking? COVID's death rate is 10 times that of the regular flu.

What's dangerous is people pushing lies and disinformation. When a guy in AZ dies because he took this drug that Rump called a miracle cure. When a kid in KY contracted COVID at a "COVID Party" because he, like you, thinks it's all fake news. That's what's dangerous. I don't wish it upon anybody, but I'll call stupid is for what stupid does.

Pay attention, man! You're being lied to by Rump and his Rumpeteers.

Piper, you're spreading some misinformation too, here. You know the guy in AZ died because he self-medicated with a form of Chloroquine phosphate intended for Fish Tank cleaning... not a pharmaceutical-grade, and not monitored by a healthcare professional.

And Trump never called the virus a Hoax, he likened the media's linking of the virus to his administration, to their impeachment-efforts over Russia, and referred to it as "their new hoax". Even the lefts favorite fact-checker (Snopes) will confirm that Trump didn't call the virus a hoax.

Once again, we find that the extreme fringes of perspective don't help with anything but dividing us.

It's not fake. It's not a hoax. I know two people personally who have contracted the virus. One of them, the symptoms are extreme and we're quite concerned for
her survival. She was already unhealthy, with underlying chronic illness. The other is a virile, healthy male in his mid '20's. He wishes he didn't have it... it's miserable, but he'll be just fine when it passes. He contracted it from someone who kept saying it was all fake, and came to work with the sniffles.

Covidiots are real. Those who insist on pretending this isn't serious are setting-at-naught all of the sacrifice the rest of us are making, including all of our investments and many people's jobs. It's pretty arrogant and narcissistic to think that your own belief that none of this is real is somehow more valid than the Millions we've all lost in our investments.

In the same breath; those of you who WANT TO CONTINUE with the economic freeze should ask yourselves what your real interests are? IS this political to you? I think for most of you it is. Because the truth is that there will be many more suicides, heart-attacks, homicides, strokes, etc, if we continue plunging our economy into unknown depths. In the county I live in, domestic violence calls to the P.D. have increased by 35% in the last 7 days.

Choosing between lives and the economy is a false-narrative; a strawman. That is not the choice..... As with EVERYTHING in life: the facts must be weighed against the risk of the unknown. We can extrapolate (and extemporate) until we're blue in the face, but we MUST get the economy moving again as quickly as we can, or the loss of life will be much more extreme than you will admit from your politically-motivated frame of reference.
When will that be? I don't know. the best words of wisdom I've heard so far is "we don't choose the timeline, the virus does". We'll need to see where we're at in a week. In Utah, we appear to be seeing the back-side of the infection bell-curve already. In other places, not so much.

What I DO know? Trump's Damned-if-he-do and Damned-if-he-don't. This morning I heard a pundit rolling trump under the bus for wanting to get the economy back on track quickly, and in the same breath, backing the bus over him because of the number of unemployment claims. BOTH are his fault? c'mon people. I don't like the guy.... but let's be reasonable here.
Quit trying to divide the country with political spin and talking points.
Quit pretending this pandemic is some sort of conspiracy.
Neither are helpful.

Last edited by maytag; 03-26-2020 at 09:36 AM.
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