I am still working, since my job is deemed "essential". I fix laboratory equipment, although it's in pathology labs so it isn't related to Covid 19. That said, people still have cancer. Normally I fly and travel a lot (at least one overnight trip with flights a week), but I've been staying local the past two weeks.
My wife works in a school, so she is kind of working at home (hard for a middle-school counselor to work remotely), as is her 21-year old son. He works for a video production company editing travel videos. Her 18-year old son is home from school, and since he is a senior, is getting depressed because it's likely that all the cool things for seniors (prom, graduation, being s senior on the varsity soccer team) aren't going to happen.
And our 7-year old cat is pretty happy, as he gets let in and out of the house 20 times a day now, and has the chance to sit on someone's lap all day.