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Old 03-26-2020, 05:52 AM   #7
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I provide TV service mostly for hotels and nursing homes, so I'm pretty much shut down. Unless there's a nursing home that loses TV service. Then I go in, because those poor people have nothing else.

The wife is a teacher and they pushed up their Spring Break to coincide with the shutdown. Next week she'll start teaching remotely.

For those that think this is overblown and people are acting "idiotic", I've never heard of doctors and nurses dying because they caught the flu off a patient. Have you? This is many times more contagious than the flu and at least 10 times deadlier, if not more. The scary part is how contagious this is and how it's spreading so rapidly that the hospitals can't handle all the influx. The flu is spreads slower and the hospitals can handle the number. Yes, the flu claims more lives by the numbers. But only because nobody takes the flu as seriously and millions in the US get the flu annually. If the same number of people got COVID as they do the flu, the deaths in the US would be over 300,000 instead of the 30,000 we have from the flu. That's why people are "acting like hysterical idiots". To suppress the numbers, and spread out the timeframe so the hospitals don't get inundated like what's happening in Italy. They literally have to choose who is left to die and who gets medical attention because they can't handle everyone at the same time.

The most disturbing part is the lack of leadership on the Federal level and how far behind the curve we are because the president first dismantled the epidemic response team that was formed during the Ebola scare and now claims he inherited "a mess". He had been calling it a hoax for 2 months, now we have to play catch-up. He calls Governor Cuomo out for declining respirators 5 years ago, yet after dismantling the epidemic response team 2 years ago, Trump now claims the office he inherited 3 years ago is "a mess." Phhftt!

Last edited by piper6909; 03-26-2020 at 06:30 AM.
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