10-16-2006, 09:41 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2003
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Originally Posted by MNBoxster
There is an issue with that European Motive Bleeder. That is, it doesn't have a swivel and to put the cap on/off the reservoir, you need to rotate the entire bleeder to avoid kinking the hose.
But, you can keep the Bleeder you have and just add this swivel cap - http://www.zimsautotechnik.com/acatalog/Metal_Swivel_Cap_for_Motive_Products_Power_Bleeder .html to the existing hose. It's billet aluminum and a very nice and durable piece, I have one and it's great. Hope this helps...
Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
PS The Brakes and Clutch share a common fluid reservoir, because of the ABS, you should not use the push pedal method to bleed the brakes. The ABS requires a constant minimum 18PSI to bleed properly.
Oh very sweet Jim. I'll be ordering that real soon! Thanks for the great link and help!