Thread: My Red '97
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Old 03-01-2020, 08:27 AM   #31
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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I received a set of headlights and taillights with black covers. Why not try them out on this car..? I plan to go with a Red/Black theme, painting the wheels a glossy black. With the headlights still black it's sort of a 'Clark Kent' glasses look.

I loaded the pic on my computer and colored them red to see if they will look decent painted.

Filling more of it in (I think the best look would be turn signal where the corner piece sits and the fog and turn lights filled in) changes the character of the car where it really doesn't need to be changed.

I decided to stay with the stock lights. Nothing against what Bran and JBauer have done with theirs, but I like the classic lines of a 986. Dividing up the shape of the fried eggs into little pieces has a busy, discordant appearance. For what it is, I prefer the original shape and contours.
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